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The full Website (over 120 pages) on a floppy disk for £ 12

Keywords :- Email, Internet, FAX, Email2FAX, free, first six months

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This service is only available for organisations in the UK with a full listing. It is a way to receive Email even if you are not on the Internet - as long as you have access to a FAX.

You will be given an Email "address" c/o, Should someone wish to make contact with you, all they have to do is send an Email to your "address". On receipt of the Email, we will then FAX it onto you.

Now of course the $64,000 question, "how much does it cost" ?

A full listing is free for the first six months (after which there is a small charge), likewise the Email2FAX service is free, also for the first six months (after which again there is a small charge just to cover costs)

To try out the service, send an Email to

with a brief message and your FAX number
and we will FAX it back to you.

Please fill out the Feedback Form or else to suggest improvements.

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[Page created: 23rd Oct 96, Last Update: 28th Oct 96]
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