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Keywords :- The Millenium exhibition, bracken, BSE

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Sell the sizzle not the steak !

"Run-off from the Gutter" 26th July 1996

Britain's power stations, not usually known for their marketing expertise, have now, with Government prodding, latched onto the merits of the above phrase.

It seems that the only way we will get rid of the current beef mountain caused by all those BSE infected cows, cattle, kine and bovines, is to burn them in Power Stations !

Hey you know it makes sense, after all they had been put to a potentially contaminative use (recyling sheeps spinal cords). OK so biogas may well be a renewable resource but it does help destroy the ozone layer.

Well at least we now know why there is such a funny smell when a fuse blows...

How to make money out of contaminated land

The Financial Times 8th July 1996

The site of the Millenium exhibition will be at an disused gas-works in Greenwich. Although the funding of this project still appears to be in dispute (and is to some extent overshadowed by fears of a global meltdown of computers when the poor things interpret the years difference between 1999 and 2000 to be the same as that of 1999 and 1900). One thing is sure - you can make money from the astute purchase of a piece of contaminated land.

The Millenium project will cost in the region of £500 million, with British Gas (the owners of the Greenwich site) chipping in around £50 million as their contribution.

12 years ago Mr Philip Marron bought the Pilot Inn, which stands in 300 acres of derelict Greenwich gas-works land, for £55,000. The realisation that in just over 3 years time it will be in the centre of the largest entertainment attraction has meant that the Pub's value has soared, currently it has an insurance value of £750,000 !

Bracken can damage your health

The Scotsman 2nd July 1996

Should we have a long hot summer, then hill walkers and sheep farmers might face a health risk from the millions of spores that will burst forth from the bracken fields of Scotland.

The spores are thought to be implicated in causing cancer, high consumption of bracken fronds in Japan appears to have a link to higher than normal rates of stomach and oesophagus cancer.

The last good "crop" of bracken spores was in 1989, when sheep farmers were advised to wear face masks in areas of dense bracken growth !

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[Page created: 10th July 96, Last Update: 28th Oct 96]
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