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Listing by Employer (1st update)

The full Website (over 210 pages) on a floppy disk for £ 42

The EBM site no longer asks you for security identification, as they no longer require you to be registered. The classification codes on the EBM site are:-

j-a.htm Energy
j-b.htm Academic and research
j-c.htm Journalism
j-d.htm Campaigning
j-e.htm Business jobs
j-f.htm New jobs

Jobs advertised at EBM web site (updated 16th November 1998)

Employer Sector Job Title Location Salary
Onto to 2nd Update
City of Edinburgh C j-new.htm Operations Manager - Waste Managerment Services (Waste Disposal) Edinburgh £ 21-25k
Environmental Investigation Agency j-new.htm PA London £ 16k
Essex CC j-new.htm Landfill Monitoring Asst Chelmsford £ 18-22k
Essex CC j-new.htm Principal Officer- Waste Operations Chelmsford £ 30k
FoE j-new.htm Direct Marketing Manager London £ 25-28k
LicEnergy j-new.htm Project Engineer - Water Modelling Cleveland
Liquid Metering Instruments j-new.htm Sales Engineer Midlands / Southeast
The Nature Conservation Bureau j-new.htm Editor / Publications Officer Newbury
UTS Ltd j-new.htm Project Managers / Engineers Durham £ 23-27k
UTS Ltd j-new.htm Senior Technicians Durham
WWF j-new.htm Senior Public Affairs Officer Godalming £ 23k
Onto to 2nd Update

If you are interested in one of the jobs mentioned in the table above.

  1. Highlight the item you are interested in (using 'EDIT, COPY' from the top menu bar in your Browser)
  2. Click on the link (e.g. j-new.htm)
  3. You will now have jumped through hyperspace to the EBM site
  4. Search for the item you were interested in (using 'EDIT, FIND' from the top menu bar in your Browser)
  5. As long as the site has not been updated you should find the full job listing
  6. If the job listing is not under new jobs (j-new.htm) then it has probably been transfered to the main jobs listing (j-a.htm to j-k.htm)
  7. Your options at this point are either to trawl though the various categories, or else to wait for the next monthly update (based on jobs listed on the 5th of the month)

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[Page created: 23rd Oct 96, Last Update: 16th Nov 98]
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