Actual HTML Code
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This is what you will see if you load this page either using Netscape, or an HTML compatible Email reader - Such as Eudora Pro
Job Title | Sector | Location | Employer | Salary |
Acoustics Specialist. | j-a.htm | Evergreen Resources | Suffolk | |
Advice Worker | j-g.htm | Lothian & Edin Envtl Partnership | Edinburgh | £ 14.8-18k |
Air Quality Consultants | j-a.htm | Evergreen Resources | South | |
Air Quality Scientist | j-e.htm | Beresford Blake Thomas | South | £ ex |
Asbestos Analysts | j-e.htm | Evergreen Resources | Nationwide | |
Etc, etc | j-etc.htm | Etc, etc | Etc, etc | Etc, etc |
Wellsite Geologist | j-e.htm | Beresford Blake Thomas | UK | £ neg |
2) Actual HTML CodeThis is the 'RAW HTML CODE' what you will see if you load this page using a a standard Email reader - Such as Eudora Lite
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! ! !
Jobs advertised at EBM web site in October 1997
Job Title | Sector | Location | Employer | Salary |
Acoustics Specialist. | j-a.htm | Evergreen Resources | Suffolk | |
Advice Worker | j-g.htm | Lothian & Edin Envtl Partnership | Edinburgh | £ 14.8-18k |
Air Quality Consultants | j-a.htm | Evergreen Resources | South | |
Air Quality Scientist | j-e.htm | Beresford Blake Thomas | South | £ ex |
Asbestos Analysts | j-e.htm | Evergreen Resources | Nationwide | |
Etc, etc | j-etc.htm | Etc, etc | Etc, etc | Etc, etc |
Wellsite Geologist | j-e.htm | Beresford Blake Thomas | UK | £ neg |
URL: [Page created: 23rd Oct 96, Last Update: 19th Nov 97] Copyright ? 1996, Layla Resources Ltd, All Rights Reserved