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activities agriculture alloys ammunition animal arms asbestos associated bituminous bleaching board building bulk burial butchering carbonaceous carpets casting cement ceramics chemical chemicals cleaning coal coating coke cold commercial components constituents contaminativ coverings demolition deposit deposition derivatives diseased dismantling disposal dyeing educational effluent electrical electricity electronic enamel energy engineering equipment exceptions excluding explosives extracting extractive fabrics farming fertilisers fibres finishing floor food foods foodstuffs forming fulling

gases glass glazing goods gypsum handling haulage heating household houses hovercraft including industrial industry infrastructu inking inorganic laboratories land leather lime livestock

maggot maintenance manufacture manufacturin marine marshalling material materials melting metal metals mineral minerals miscellaneou natural nuclear operations ordnance ores organic original paper pesticides petrochemica petroleum pharmaceutic power preparing printing processes processing production products propellants pulp purposes radioactive railway recovery refining rendering repair repairing research road rolling rubber

scrap sewage slaughter sludge space stations steel stock storage stores substations synthetic systems testing textile thermal timber transport treating treatment underground vehicles vessels vitreous waste water working workings works

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