UK Flood Help February 2014
How to use FoodTrade for #flood #offers and #wants
Find help from listed Flood Volunteers in your local area
Flood Map : Water Level Elevation Map
BBC Travel Alerts Flood Map
a simple Flood risk map based on liberated Environment Agency data, a bit of QGIS ... ( Severe Winter weather NE USA - information links to maps and advice Community Emergency Response Team - Basic Training Participant Manual Global Disaster Alert Google Maps geocoder - Morocco
Information on Contaminated Land and Brownfields![]()
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This website was last updated in a major way in
Disclaimer:- The purpose of the ContaminatedLand Website is to act as a pointer to current and past trends within the environmental sector. No liability will be assumed for any errors on this or linked WWW sites. Readers are advised to use the information contained herein purely as a guide and to take appropriate professional advice where necessary.
Should you feel the urge to send us spam ! - please bear in mind that we are now getting over 1250 spam messages a day. If you spam us - we will try and respond via your ISP, and if we ever meet you in the flesh we will use a flensing knife on your genitalia, and as for sending us an attachment, we go nuclear above 100k, with a half-life of 57 years.